Sunday, May 13, 2007

Inca Trail Day One Part Two

Ted shows Manuel that you can skip a round rock across a turbulent stream.

What form...

Panoramic view of ancient settlement showing convex terrace farming

A closer look

Manuel explains the history behind the ruins.

This is a defensive outpost overlooking the settlement in the valley.

Ted & Megan explore the ruins followed by Manuel

This red "flag" posted outside Chiche Bar signifies that a new batch of Chicheria, a strong liquor made from yellow corn is now ready.

A nice view looking back on the trail

After lunch, Joette & I grab a quick snooze

We hit a little "rush hour" traffic as we get close to our first campsite.

Ted and Meg explore the village near our campsite.

Our porters Florentino, Vincente, Rogelio, Ciro, Hank*, & Sebastian

The village just behind our campsite

A nice view from our campsite

Joette, Megan & Ted at our first campsite.

Buenas Nochas, Superboy

*Actually, Hank is not his real name, but he was one of our favorites and, as you'll see in future posts, he stayed with us for awhile. Since he was with us for so long, I didn't feel the need to write his name down because, you know, I'd remember. So until it dawns on me what his name was he'll go by Hank.

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